全球的物流公司 DHL 和德克萨斯树木会正在努力使德克萨斯州达拉斯 - 沃斯堡地区更加绿色。在地球日之前,近 100 名DHL Supply Chain 员工今天自愿植树,以支持更健康、更环保的社区。
DHL Supply Chain 向德克萨斯树木会捐赠了 11,762 美元,为该地区提供了 100棵树。这笔捐款是通过员工筹款活动和公司匹配筹集的,旨在支持城市林业并采取行动帮助缓解气候变化。
志愿者在德克萨斯州罗阿诺克的 Cannon Parkway Park 种植了 30 加仑大小的树木。当地的树木,包括Chinquapin 橡树和蒙特雷橡树,种植在人行道上,为每天享受这个公园的地区居民提供急需的遮荫。在志愿者活动中,DHLSupply Chain 员工还将 70棵较小的树种到盆中,德克萨斯树木会将继续在他们的苗圃中照料这些树,直到这些树大到可以在未来的志愿者项目中种植为止。
“在 DHL,企业责任是我们战略不可或缺的一部分,它是由我们连接人们和改善生活的核心目标驱动的,”DHL供应链美洲区人力资源副总裁 Tim Sprosty说。“对于我们的员工来说,拥有这些机会来帮助改善我们生活和工作的社区并与之建立联系非常重要。我们的志愿者工作对于为我们的员工创造良好的工作文化和环境也至关重要。作为该国的雇主之一,以及达拉斯-沃斯堡地区的雇主,我们很自豪能够支持这一努力。”
DHL, the world’s largest logistics company, and Texas TreesFoundation are working to make the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, areamore green. Ahead of Earth Day, nearly 100 DHL Supply Chainemployees volunteered today to plant trees in support of ahealthier and greener community.
DHL Supply Chain presented a donation of $11,762 to the TexasTrees Foundation, providing 100 trees to the area. The donation wasraised through employee fundraising efforts and a company match inan effort to support urban forestry and take action to helpmitigate climate change.
The volunteers planted 30-gallon sized trees at Cannon ParkwayPark in Roanoke, TX. The native trees, which include Chinquapin oakand Monterrey oak, were planted along the walking path providingmuch needed shade to the area residents who enjoy this park everyday. At the volunteer event, DHL Supply Chain employees alsoplanted 70 smaller trees into pots which the Texas Trees Foundationwill continue to care for in their nursery until the trees arelarge enough to plant in future volunteer projects.